
不再支援該產品(開發支援終止),並且將不再提供任何軟體更新. Lenovo提供的任何軟體或支援資源均按“現狀”提供,沒有任何形式上的保證. 聯想保固仍涵蓋的產品將進行維修.


Your product may no longer be actively supported by development (End of Development Support). Any resources provided by Lenovo for such products are made available “AS IS” and without warranties of any kind, express or implied. In no case will Lenovo be liable for the failure of any provided resources to function as expected or intended and the loss of, or damage to, data. To determine if your product is still actively supported by development, enter your serial number or product type below.

輸入機器序號: OR 偵測產品
